Oppression is a cruel or unjust treatment that is prolonged. Oppressed people either choose violent ways to resist oppression or non-violent ways, most oppressed people non-violent ways to act more peacefully but some use violent to be taken more seriously. Having agency means to be able to control what happens in your life to be able to have power over your life. Oppressed people usually use non-violents way of resistance like marching to prove a point but most times they aren’t taken seriously. In my opinion people should use violent ways of resistance because when violence is being used toward you to stop you from resisting your going to have to retaliate and not let yourself be pushed around to show that you’re being serious about what your fighting for. Violence being used to oppress someone like in the story of the Natives being forced out of their land at gunpoint how protestors on the Soweto uprising used violence after the police used violence first, like MLK said rioting these people using violence to resist are just trying to get heard.                               To begin with, using nonviolent resistance doesn’t always work like I read in an article Cherokee people used the law to resist and protect their land but were still forced out. The Cherokee people were forced at gunpoint after realizing that they didn’t want to give up their land. After the US promising to be able to supply the Cherokee people with supplies to be able to use on their trip to the new land the US didn’t supply them with enough supplies and many Cherokee people died. I obtained this information from an article that was on a website online named www.brittanica.com, created by Elizabeth Prine Pauls on January 16, 2008. I trust this source to support my paragraph because they used evidence to support their information. In the article it says, “The Cherokee chose to use legal action to resist removal”. The Cherokee people used a nonviolent way of resisting and weren’t taken seriously and were still removed from their land. They lost many people they would have resisted by fighting back and now allowing themselves to be pushed around when they were the first ones there. The Americans would have taken the Cherokee people more serious if they retaliated with violence they would have lost many but at least they died protecting their land and not died by being forced to walk somewhere else when they didn’t want too. So I think that oppressed people should use violent ways of resistance because it shows that you’re serious about what you are resisting for.                                    In addition to, people in Soweto South Africa did the opposite from the Cherokee people they didn’t allow themselves to get pushed around and retaliated with violence. In an article I read it talks about riots that took place in South Africa because students were being forced a language that they didn’t want to learn. These students saw the language as their oppressors language and they did not want to learn it, it started from a peaceful protest to a riot. This information came from an article on the internet that was written by Denis Cummings on June 16, 2011. I trust this source because the author used evidence like quotes from people who experienced the event. In this article it says, “As the students continued to march forward, Col.Johannes Kleingeld, the station commander of the Orlando police station, fired into the crowd, and other officers followed.”  When the cops started to use violence towards the protesters they didn’t just back down and went home they stayed and showed them they weren’t going anywhere even if they had to use violent resistance to resist back. It shows how violent resistance is more effective because it gained more attention and was taken more seriously. The city wasted money just to stop these protesters they used their police force just to stop these protester shows how violent resistance can gain more attention and can be taken more seriously.                   Lastly, MLK used his most powerful weapon to give his opinion on riots he agrees with riots when they are needed. In his speech he talks about how he isn’t responsible to say that rioting is right thing. He also comes to say that rioting just gets the community more in fear but that rioting is just people that want to be heard. I gained this information from MLK speech on March 14, 1968. I trust this source because it is a primary source its the exact things that were said. In the speech MLK says, “And I must say tonight a riot is the language of the unheard.” I completely agree with MLK people who riot just want to be heard and just want to be taken more seriously. This shows how oppressed people who want a change and want to be heard should use violent ways of resistance because if you start a peaceful protest with 30 people not much attention will gain but if those 30 people resort to a violent way of resisting then they would be taken more seriously and it would gain more attention. It would bring more people out to the streets to fight this oppression that they didn’t even know was happening.