Oppressed people are people that are treated cruel or unjust for a long period of time. Oppressed systems are a way that organize things or people in a cruel and unjust way that is prolonged. They’re also levels of oppression, they’re called interpersonal, institutional, and internalized oppression. People all over the world and throughout history are treated unfairly because of their race or gender for example Emmett TIll, he was accused of something he didn’t do and he was accused of doing this thing for a really long time. Women in other countries like in Afghanistan are being tortured just because they want to go to school. These both situations are interpersonal oppression because it’s how people are behaving towards other people.

First of all, throughout our history people have been treated in an unfair way like Emmett Till he was killed because of a lie that was made up an interpersonal oppression. In a document I read it explains how he was accused of something that he really didn’t do for a long time the killers weren’t put really punished for their actions. Emmett Till whistled at a white lady that made up a lie that he touched her and all these crazy things, she made up this lie because he was black if he wasn’t black she probably would’ve flirted back. The document was a quote from a website article by the New York Times Newspaper, it was created by Richard Perez-Pena on January 27, 2017. In this document it says “she said of her long-ago allegations that Emmett grabbed her and was menacing and sexually crude toward her, “that part is not true.” This quote shows how people create lies to treat people that don’t look like them in a cruel way, Emmett was accused of something he didn’t do for a long time until not that long ago when the women who accused him broke silence.

Second of all, women are treated cruel and unjustly all around the world like in Afghanistan terrorist are behaving in an unfair and cruel way towards women this is interpersonal oppression because it’s how people are behaving towards other people. Afghan girls are thrown acid at them just because they want to go to school these people that dont want to see girls go to school would go out of there way to even kill them. In a document I read it talks about how hand grenades were thrown into a girls school and killed 100 girls. This document is an article posted on a the website CNN.com, created by Allie Torgan on March 17, 2016. In the document it says “In their eyes, a women is an object that they can control.” Just because they’re women some people think they shouldn’t learn and should let men do all of that, they want to control women and if they can’t they resort to other things like killing them or torturing them for control over them.