Assignment#11 – Final Essay Blog

Oppression is a cruel or unjust treatment that is prolonged. Oppressed people either choose violent ways to resist oppression or non-violent ways, most oppressed people non-violent ways to act more peacefully but some use violent to be taken more seriously. Having agency means to be able to control what happens in your life to be able to have power over your life. Oppressed people usually use non-violents way of resistance like marching to prove a point but most times they aren’t taken seriously. In my opinion people should use violent ways of resistance because when violence is being used toward you to stop you from resisting your going to have to retaliate and not let yourself be pushed around to show that you’re being serious about what your fighting for. Violence being used to oppress someone like in the story of the Natives being forced out of their land at gunpoint how protestors on the Soweto uprising used violence after the police used violence first, like MLK said rioting these people using violence to resist are just trying to get heard.                               To begin with, using nonviolent resistance doesn’t always work like I read in an article Cherokee people used the law to resist and protect their land but were still forced out. The Cherokee people were forced at gunpoint after realizing that they didn’t want to give up their land. After the US promising to be able to supply the Cherokee people with supplies to be able to use on their trip to the new land the US didn’t supply them with enough supplies and many Cherokee people died. I obtained this information from an article that was on a website online named, created by Elizabeth Prine Pauls on January 16, 2008. I trust this source to support my paragraph because they used evidence to support their information. In the article it says, “The Cherokee chose to use legal action to resist removal”. The Cherokee people used a nonviolent way of resisting and weren’t taken seriously and were still removed from their land. They lost many people they would have resisted by fighting back and now allowing themselves to be pushed around when they were the first ones there. The Americans would have taken the Cherokee people more serious if they retaliated with violence they would have lost many but at least they died protecting their land and not died by being forced to walk somewhere else when they didn’t want too. So I think that oppressed people should use violent ways of resistance because it shows that you’re serious about what you are resisting for.                                    In addition to, people in Soweto South Africa did the opposite from the Cherokee people they didn’t allow themselves to get pushed around and retaliated with violence. In an article I read it talks about riots that took place in South Africa because students were being forced a language that they didn’t want to learn. These students saw the language as their oppressors language and they did not want to learn it, it started from a peaceful protest to a riot. This information came from an article on the internet that was written by Denis Cummings on June 16, 2011. I trust this source because the author used evidence like quotes from people who experienced the event. In this article it says, “As the students continued to march forward, Col.Johannes Kleingeld, the station commander of the Orlando police station, fired into the crowd, and other officers followed.”  When the cops started to use violence towards the protesters they didn’t just back down and went home they stayed and showed them they weren’t going anywhere even if they had to use violent resistance to resist back. It shows how violent resistance is more effective because it gained more attention and was taken more seriously. The city wasted money just to stop these protesters they used their police force just to stop these protester shows how violent resistance can gain more attention and can be taken more seriously.                   Lastly, MLK used his most powerful weapon to give his opinion on riots he agrees with riots when they are needed. In his speech he talks about how he isn’t responsible to say that rioting is right thing. He also comes to say that rioting just gets the community more in fear but that rioting is just people that want to be heard. I gained this information from MLK speech on March 14, 1968. I trust this source because it is a primary source its the exact things that were said. In the speech MLK says, “And I must say tonight a riot is the language of the unheard.” I completely agree with MLK people who riot just want to be heard and just want to be taken more seriously. This shows how oppressed people who want a change and want to be heard should use violent ways of resistance because if you start a peaceful protest with 30 people not much attention will gain but if those 30 people resort to a violent way of resisting then they would be taken more seriously and it would gain more attention. It would bring more people out to the streets to fight this oppression that they didn’t even know was happening.




Edublog Assignment #10

SeeClickFix Blog #3


  • What are the different statuses on the posters, and what do each of them mean?


They’re three different statuses Open, Acknowledged, and Closed. When a sticky note is on Open it means that the  problem has been sent. If the sticky note is on Acknowledged it means that it has been viewed or noticed already. Lastly, if the sticky note is on Closed it means that it either the problem has been fixed or it means that the problem isn’t able to be fixed.


  • Describe what you did (or what you were supposed to do) to find out if the issue you submitted to SeeClickFix was fixed.


What we were suppose to do to if the issue we submitted was fixed was too go on the website SeeClickFix and go on my content and see if the issue was closed.


  • What changes do you notice from the April 13th posters to the April 27th posters?


There’s not much change it kinda looks the same maybe more sticky notes on the Closed poster. There’s is also less notes on the Open poster most of the sticky notes are on the Acknowledged poster.


  • Do you think there are any types of issues SeeClickFix is better at getting fixed than others?  Why do you think that?


Yeah I do think some issues SeeClickFix can fix better like trash dumping. Things like potholes and damaged sidewalks are harder to repair because it takes a lot like the use of cement trucks things like that. Trash dumping only requires for someone to be sent to the location where it is at and they’ll take care of it.


  • If an issue someone reported did not get fixed, what is something they might try next?


Something they might try next would be like writing to the city themselves explaining to the city why they should fix the issue. They would also try to start like a movement to fix problems like they reported make protest just things like that.


  • Do you think people who report issues to SeeClickFix are able to gain agency?  Explain your answer.


Yes I do think people who report issues to SeeClickFix are able to gain agency because if there’s a pothole outside your place and you notice that every time you pass over it causes a damage in your car you’re gonna wanna fix that. SeeClickFix allows you to report that issue that you don’t want to deal with anymore.

Research Assignment #2 EMBED A MAP

Occupy Oakland is protest that started because of a young man that was shot and killed by cops. The protest kept on happening throughout the years all over Oakland. This is a society system of oppression because its a group of people that come together and protest for unjust treatments. It all started on October 10, 2011 in Ogawa Plaza but the protesters renamed it to Oscar Grant Plaza. They renamed it to this because of a young man that was shot and killed by the transit police. Oscar Grant was shot on New years day 2009 and died on January 1st at Highland Hospital in Oakland CA. He was shot by the BART police, this sparked up a civil rights movement in Oakland a couple days later. This is interpersonal oppression because it is a way someone behaves towards another person and in this case the cop behaved in an unfair way towards Oscar. He was killed in Fruitvale Bart Stations in Oakland California on New Year’s day he was shot and on January 1st he died in Highland Hospital.


SeeClickFix Blog #2


  • Describe how the 9th grade students are tracking the progress of the issue we reported using sticky notes and posters.  What do each posters mean?                                                                                                                                                          They are putting their sticky notes on poster depending if there problem has acknowledged, closed or open. When they place their sticky note on acknowledge it means that its been noticed. If the sticky note in on open it means that it has been sent, and finally when the sticky note is on closed it either means its been fixed or just closed because they aren’t gonna fix it.                                                                                                                                                                                                                      
  • What did you learn about the status of the issue you reported to SeeClickFix? Did it change (If so, how)?  Did your issue’s status stay the same? Explain your answer.                                                                                                                         My issue status changed to acknowledged its been viewed and noticed but nothing has been done about it yet.                                                                     
  • Describe the response you got about the issue you reported.  What was the message you received? Who sent you that message?                                                                                                                                                                                                  The response I received was from City of Oakland Call Center who said that they are working on repairing the issue but the city does not have enough funding to fix every pothole.                                                                                                                                                                                                   
  • Did any patterns emerge on the poster about which issues are resolved, and which are not?  Explain your answer.                         Yeah there was a lot of sidewalk reported issues that aren’t acknowledged or closed just opened. There’s more dumping reported issues that have been closed and acknowledged. I think this is because it is an easy issue to fix just to pick up the trash, when they have to fix potholes and sidewalk damages its takes more to do in order to fix that problem.                                     







  • Is the SeeClickFix project an example of Violent or Non-Violent resistance to oppression?  Explain your answer.              The SeeClickFix project is an example of non-violent resistance to oppression because there is no violence being made it’s just issues being reported that the City of Oakland doesn’t care about. It gives people who have no power, power to be able to fix things in their communities that aren’t being fixed.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          
  • Do you think SeeClickFix can help to solve problems in Oakland?  Explain why or why not.                                                                 I do think SeeClickFix can help solve problems not all of them but maybe some. SeeClickFix opens the eyes of people who are suppose to fix problems to realize that people want they city to look nice and that they have to do something about these problems that make communities look bad like trash dumping’s. Oakland is not a rich city so not all problems can be resolved. 


SeeClickFix Blog #1

  • In your own words describe what the company called SEECLICKFIX does for people living in Oakland.                         SEECLICKFIX allows people to report problems in their communities that they think needs fixing and SEECLICKFIX will try their best to fix this problem.
  • Do you think SEECLICKFIX helps people in Oakland to resist oppression?  Explain why, or why not.                              Yeah I do think SEECLICKFIX helps people in Oakland resist oppression because the people who are suppose to fix these problems don’t do anything about it because they don’t care SEECLICKFIX allows people to bug the people who are suppose to fix the problems to fix it.
  • Explain the story of how you took your picture for the SEECLICKFIX project (Describe what you took a picture of, when you took it, where you were, how, and why).                                                                                                                               I was hanging out with one of my friends and i noticed how there was so many potholes and my phone was out of charge so i asked my friend to take a picture of it for me. There were many potholes so I and some were pretty big enough to damage a car.
  • What did you do in class to join SEECLICKFIX on their website?                                                                                               First I signed up for the website putting my location and the rest of the information.
  • What did you do in class to report an issue to SEECLICKFIX? DON’T FORGET TO SHARE YOUR ISSUE ID NUMBER!                                                                                                                                                                                         First I took a picture of a problem outside of school then I shared it to my email after that I reported the issue by pressing on report issue on the website. Finally I described the issue and shared it, my issue ID number is 4285219.
  • Do you predict that the City of Oakland will fix the problem you reported?  Explain why, or why not.                                   Yes I think the City of Oakland will fix the problem because they already acknowledged the problem so I think they would do something about it.


Assignment #9 Oppression Essay

Oppressed people are people that are treated cruel or unjust for a long period of time. Oppressed systems are a way that organize things or people in a cruel and unjust way that is prolonged. They’re also levels of oppression, they’re called interpersonal, institutional, and internalized oppression. People all over the world and throughout history are treated unfairly because of their race or gender for example Emmett TIll, he was accused of something he didn’t do and he was accused of doing this thing for a really long time. Women in other countries like in Afghanistan are being tortured just because they want to go to school. These both situations are interpersonal oppression because it’s how people are behaving towards other people.

First of all, throughout our history people have been treated in an unfair way like Emmett Till he was killed because of a lie that was made up an interpersonal oppression. In a document I read it explains how he was accused of something that he really didn’t do for a long time the killers weren’t put really punished for their actions. Emmett Till whistled at a white lady that made up a lie that he touched her and all these crazy things, she made up this lie because he was black if he wasn’t black she probably would’ve flirted back. The document was a quote from a website article by the New York Times Newspaper, it was created by Richard Perez-Pena on January 27, 2017. In this document it says “she said of her long-ago allegations that Emmett grabbed her and was menacing and sexually crude toward her, “that part is not true.” This quote shows how people create lies to treat people that don’t look like them in a cruel way, Emmett was accused of something he didn’t do for a long time until not that long ago when the women who accused him broke silence.

Second of all, women are treated cruel and unjustly all around the world like in Afghanistan terrorist are behaving in an unfair and cruel way towards women this is interpersonal oppression because it’s how people are behaving towards other people. Afghan girls are thrown acid at them just because they want to go to school these people that dont want to see girls go to school would go out of there way to even kill them. In a document I read it talks about how hand grenades were thrown into a girls school and killed 100 girls. This document is an article posted on a the website, created by Allie Torgan on March 17, 2016. In the document it says “In their eyes, a women is an object that they can control.” Just because they’re women some people think they shouldn’t learn and should let men do all of that, they want to control women and if they can’t they resort to other things like killing them or torturing them for control over them.

Assignment #8 – Marginalize and Exploit Essay

  Power, if you have power you would be able to control people’s behaviors, so power is the ability to control people’s behaviors of people and events. People with power would marginalize people that don’t have any power. What does marginalized mean? To marginalize means to put something off to the side or make it less important. Like Christopher Columbus, he marginalized the Native Americans and exploited them so he could get help from them to gain what we call now South America and North America. Now to exploit means to take an unfair advantage of someone for your own benefit. While colonization was happening the colonist were exploiting and marginalizing the natives by conquering indigenous land to gain more power and forcing the natives to farm and mine, the colonist used the natives as tools, the colonist made the natives seem like they were less and that they didn’t matter. People with power are able to marginalize and exploit people with different identities, just like the Spanish did to the native Americans how the French controlled slaves with their rules and how the Aztecs treated enemy warriors.                                                                            To begin with, people with power are able to marginalize and exploit people with different identities because they have no power. For example the Spanish exploited the native Americans labor and marginalized their beliefs according to a document I read. The document is a quote from a book named Colonial America created by Jerome R.Reich in 1994. In this quote it says “This official was expected to Christianize and “civilize” them; they in turn were to work part time for him as well as contribute to him a share of the crops they raised for themselves” which means that the natives were forced to do things they didn’t want to do, why? Because they had no power to fight back if they didn’t comply then they would get killed. Also in the quote I stated  it says they basically forced them to forget about their religion and learn a new one which we would call marginalization because they are putting the natives religion to the side, the encomiendero forced the natives to work for him which was a win win for him. Exploitation.                                           Second of all, people with power used to always marginalize and exploit slaves, if the slaves didn’t comply with the rules they would get beaten up, whipped even killed because they were treated like tools these people that claimed to own them had the right to do whatever they wanted to them. So if the slaves didn’t do what these people wanted these people could beat them just because the slave didn’t bring him his water. In a country called France the King of France created rules which they called “The Code Noir”. These rules allowed horrible people with power do things to people who looked different from them. One of the rules allowed these horrible people to beat up these people which were called slaves whenever it was needed too, so if a slave didn’t do what the horrible person wanted the horrible person had the right to beat them up, even beat them up to death. “The Code Noir” was written in March, 1685 like I said “The Code Noir” is a set of rules that was written by the King of France to control the slaves. The slaves couldn’t do anything about it, they also had a rule that said “The runaway slave who has been on the run during one month will have the ears cut off”. This rule shows how the slaves had no power to do anything about the way they were being treated because if they did they would either get killed or tortured a fear they would decide not to conquer so they kept on acting like tools for their masters. Even if people look different from each other everyone is still the same, what these people did to their own kind was inhumane. Beating up even killing another human because they didn’t want to act like tools for you is not okay.                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Finally, when the Aztecs were around they used to also exploit enemy warriors for their own benefit by sacrificing them. In a document I read it talked about the way they would treat the warrior who was gonna be sacrificed before they did get sacrificed. The Aztecs would treat the warriors like if they were living gods. Some people would even get attached to the warrior but then they would kill him at the end of the year to worship their god in front of everyone. The document was the recording of the first impression of a 17 year old Aztec scribe had to a sacrifice ritual. This recording was later told to Friar Bernardino de Sahagun years later in 1529. In the recording the Aztec scribe said “and he is treated like our most royal family member doing the long year leading up to his sacrifice”. This quote describes how the enemy warriors were treated like gods but later at the end of the year were dismembered in front of everyone to worship their god. Every Aztec would go to watch this sacrifice a social system the Aztecs worked with they would be apart of this whole thing to worship their god. Aztecs and the enemy warriors were the same type of people identity wise, but they would exploit and marginalize each other because of religious beliefs. Just like ISIS they do the things they do because of really incoherent religious beliefs that they believe, they believe that killing people that believe in other things is a good thing or that don’t believe the same thing as them.

Assignment #7 – Commenting

  • Did you receive any comments to your blog?  If so, from whom?  What did they say?


Yes I received one comment from someone who goes to Life Academy and is named Kamyiah. She said that she liked the way I said things in my paragraphs and how she agreed with me. But she also said how somethings she didn’t agree with like when I said how I wouldn’t identify myself Mexican because I wasn’t born there, yeah I identify myself as Mexican but when someone asks me I say American.


    • Which students did you write a blog comment for?                                                                                                                     I wrote a blog comment for Ying.


  • Copy and paste the comment you made for each student in the space below:                                                                                Dear Ying,Thank you for sharing your work. My name is Angel and I am a student at Fremont High School.
    Something I liked about your work was how you showed how motivated you are to do nice things for the people you care about the most.
    Something I have a question about is why do you wanna visit Paris? Please feel free to comment on my work in the future. The address of my student blog is
    Thank You!



Assignment#6 The Columbus Narratives


  • What is something that you learned about Christopher Columbus that you did not know before?


Something that I learned from Christopher Columbus that I didn’t know was that he fed baby’s to the dogs and that he used little girls ages 10 through 12 as rewards for his men.

  • Do think Christopher Columbus deserves his own holiday?  Explain your answer.



No I do not think Christopher Columbus deserves his own holiday because why would we celebrate him killing millions of innocent people that’s just not right.He didn’t even discover America so that holiday is just celebrating the killing of millions of people.

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